The Brilliant Tanzanite – Rarer than Diamonds

The Brilliant Tanzanite – Rarer than Diamonds

Tanzanite is becoming more and more popular as people discover its brilliance and beauty.  Mined in only one place in the world, Tanzania, the tanzanite rocks usually come out as yellowish-brown stones.  The stones are “baked” or heated in ovens, and that process causes them to turn the strikingly deep, rich blues tanzanite is known for.  Most of the tanzanite jewelry you see is heat-treated, so you should always make that assumption unless it says specifically that it’s NOT heat-treated.

That said, tanzanite rivals sapphires in color and depth, and is (still) more cost-effective than sapphires.  As it becomes more and more popular we expect tanzanite jewelry prices to rise.  Even mainstream jewelers are beginning to promote tanzanite pendants and other pieces, so we believe that process has started.

Tanzanite stones may be clear (we call it “eye-clear”), meaning you can’t see any inclusions with the naked eye.  They may also be cloudy and contain some interesting inclusions.  Mainstream jewelers want them to be as clear as possible. We just happen to love the stone and welcome the marks or inclusions as a record of their creation.  Whatever your preference, we invite you to spend some time perusing our collection.